123-456-7890 [email protected]

Wellness Program

By taking a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) at www.SampleProvider.com, you can analyze your current health status, understand your potential health risks and establish goals to improve your health, reduce risks, and prevent sickness. You can also request information on specific health topics, programs and services.

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Take Control of Your Health

Through Sample Company and Sample Provider, you have access to valuable wellness resources and services. Take advantage of this access and take an active role in your own health care. Here are a few simple steps to get started:

  • Keep track of important health information
  • Know your family health history
  • See a doctor regularly for checkups
  • Be prepared for medical appointments
  • Ask your doctor or nurse questions

Get your Annual Physical — and it is free!

Sample Company covers preventive care 100%—that means no cost to you. Many people fail to use this yearly benefit even though chronic diseases—which are responsible for 7 of 10 deaths among Americans each year and account for 75 percent of the nation’s health spending—often are mostly preventable. When detected early, many diseases can be treated and managed before they become a costly medical expense.

What Is Preventive Care?

Preventive care includes services that help you stay healthy, including:

  • Vaccines that protect your health by preventing diseases and other problems
  • Screenings to check for diseases early when they may be easier to treat
  • Education and counseling to help you make health decisions